Highest Rated Comments

TheKamenWriter18 karma

Hi Brad, your game sounds awesome, and my money seems already well-spent with how entertaining you guys are to watch.

I want to ask about the Bloodline system, specifically about how customizable the surnames of your guys are. Are you only able to have your dudes and dudettes be of one of the pre-generated bloodlines (Say, Swisshelm, or Schafer) or can you rename your bloodlines? Like, say, you have a friend named John Smith, and you want to name one of your guys after him, but also want everyone in his family to be named Smith.

I ask because one of the best (And seemingly most universal) things about XCOM is that everyone names their soldiers after their friends, so when they meet up later they all say "Oh man, you had the best day yesterday" or "You got killed but it was badass, sorry dude." So it's only a little hop from "You were a badass" to "Your grand daughter Ashley Smith was such a badass."

TheKamenWriter12 karma

Would you rather fight one Tim Schafer sized John Swisshelm or one hundred John Swisshelm sized Tim Schafters?

TheKamenWriter7 karma

The concept art exposition video was really fun, but the reference picture you had of the badass guy with the falcon got me really excited.

Is there going to be a character class/ability set based around falconry? Or Dogs of War for that matter? Really, any kind of badass animal husbandry at all.

I guess it's too early to ACTUALLY answer this question, but just let the fact that it was asked help guide the development process.

TheKamenWriter6 karma

I want to hear about Magic. Mages are always my favorite classes in every thing ever, so I'm interested in how magic will be expressed in this game.

Are you going to go down a more class-based route where Mages and Clerics will always have access to the Magic-weapons or spells, or are you going to follow XCOM and have magic function like Psionics did? Say, a child is born with magical affinity and can recieve magic training, so they could be from a house of Falconers (I'm not giving up on my Falconry dream), but also have magic talents that set them apart from other units, similar to how my sniper Salvador Dali could also use psychic powers.

If it's the former, I'm more than okay with this. If it's the latter, It might be nice if the magic system was a little more robust than the psionics in XCOM. It always felt like you maxed out your dude's psychic potential pretty quickly and every psychic tended to have the same array of skills.

TheKamenWriter2 karma


:D! :D! :D!