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TheConqueringChild1 karma

My question comes from a software developer's standpoint, as someone doing research into the future of music production software (without giving away too many details publicly, this will involve ai.) What software do you use to make your music and what do you like about it? What don't you like about it and would like to see in new software? What is your process?

TheConqueringChild1 karma

Thanks man!

TheConqueringChild1 karma

Here is our website: www.syntheseziastudios.com

We are just a startup and it most likely won't be a few years until we've developed a beta. Right now, my COO and I are just doing research and figuring out ways to implement some of the standard AI algorithms (neural networks, hidden markov models, etc.) As far as platforms go, I envision us developing for Mac OSX first, because their user demographic seems closest to our target demographic.

I would be honored if you'd be interested in testing our beta when it comes out. Again, that won't be for a few years, but if you email me at the address listed on our website, I'll definitely remember you wanted to be a tester when the time comes. We'll be developing our beta as a .vst plugin, which means that it should be a compatible plugin for most software packages (it should at least work in Ableton, if that's something you use.)

Anyway, thanks for the response. You rock! ~Kyle