Highest Rated Comments

TheAman4431 karma

How legendary is your movie going to be?

TheAman4416 karma

How did you find out it was the wife?

TheAman442 karma

Twice Lucha Underground has gone into a break with a shot of Marty the Moth being the final thing we've seen. Is that a sign that sooner or later, Marty the Moth is going to be the single most important thing in the Temple?

TheAman441 karma

Who the hell are you man? Isaac F'n Newton?

TheAman440 karma

Worked at a movie theater for four months, it was awful (though that was partially due to the terrible owner).

A few questions:

1) Are you primarily an usher, or what other duties do you do? Do you work the projector at all?

2) Weirdest concessions request (assuming you worked concessions)?

3) Ever bust anyone with drugs?

4) Ever bring a date to your movie theater?