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ThatFireGuy0128 karma

I've read that those on the autism spectrum have lower circulating cannabinoid levels than neurotypical people. Does this change how they are affected by THC / CBD / etc at all?

ThatFireGuy04 karma

Related to this - I've read that those with autism have lower circulating cannabinoid levels than neurotypicals. Does this change how cannabis affects them, either the immediate effects, or tolerance / withdrawal, or anything else?

ThatFireGuy04 karma

What have you read about tolerance for CBD? I know THC has tolerance / addiction / withdrawal effects, but for CBD I've heard everything from "some tolerance" to "reverse tolerance" being discussed

ThatFireGuy02 karma

What can you tell me about tolerance, addiction, and withdrawal effects related to CBD? I know it is a partial serotonin agonist, so it seems to good to be true that it wouldn't have any risks or side effects

ThatFireGuy00 karma

When you say this, can you describe a bit more how you're defining "addiction" and "withdrawal"?

Even if they aren't typically viewed this way, even SSRIs have these sorts of issues - with antidepressant discontinuation syndrome extensively documented. And it's also commonly documented that "skipping a day" has pretty bad side effects, when SSRIs have a half-life similar to that of CBD

With a similar neurochemical effect, I'd expect at least some level of effects similar to these upon cessation after an extended period of use (months or longer). Is this not at all the case?