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TexasFreedomNetwork20 karma

Check out this report we recently issued. Go to Appendix D, on pages 16 and 17 (Who’s Who in the Science Textbook Battle in Texas).


TexasFreedomNetwork12 karma

We would say it has waned. Creationists can no longer walk in to a State Board of Education hearing and flat out say they want to teach creationism. They now have to resort to saying things like, "strengths and weakness," "teach the controversy," etc. That's not to say they've lost all power. Just look at our recent blog posts and you'll see there's still an urgency to this issue.

TexasFreedomNetwork9 karma

Here's an example of what we're up against here in Texas: http://tfninsider.org/2011/10/28/mercer-still-attacking-science-and-teachers/

TexasFreedomNetwork8 karma

First of all, thank you for the thank you. As for your questions:

  1. Yes, we were all over that. And we're all over this year's science textbook adoptions. The history part you mentioned was when they passed the history standards, which have been roundly panned. Next year, the board will adopt history books based on those standards. And, yes, we will be there for that as well.

  2. We work with scholars and professors all the time. They're great support. But the problem is not with Texas universities or the science community in the state. The problem is with a process that leaves science vulnerable to creationists and other individuals who are anti-science.

  3. Unfortunately, we can cite many examples of elected officials in Texas who are on board with what the creationists on the SBOE try to do. Yes, Gov. Perry is one of them. He is both an evolution denier and a climate science denier.

TexasFreedomNetwork7 karma

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