Highest Rated Comments

TehSteak421 karma

TehSteak8 karma

If I took that mask off, would you die?

TehSteak3 karma

Have you thought of somehow getting Nardwuar onto the show? I don't know how he is with hot food but it would be glorious to see you two bounce off each other.

TehSteak1 karma

Was there a point when you realized that WCW was in trouble?

TehSteak1 karma

Hey Johnny! I remember hating your guts as a little kid watching MNM vs the Hardys because I was the biggest Hardy mark in the world. Now I look back and LOVE your old work and really appreciate your work in Lucha Underground (you're one of my favorites on there!).

My question to you is: what went through your head when you saw Mercury's face shattered by the ladder at Armageddon 2006?