Highest Rated Comments

Teapotje94 karma

Thanks for doing this AMA! How annoying was it when shooting Voyager that half of the male cast had the same first name?

Teapotje72 karma

If I asked this question to the other Roberts, would I get the same answer? :)

Teapotje19 karma

This AMA is bringing me to your kickstarter... I see more and more projects financed through websites like this (Veronica Mars comes to mind in particular), do you think this is a direction the film industry will keep moving to?

Teapotje13 karma

Oooohhh.. Theranos... I read the book about them, and I genuinely can't comprehend the company culture. Was it really super secretive all the time? Did Elizabeth Holmes keep departments from speaking to each other in your experience? What was your contribution there?