Highest Rated Comments

Tamespotting745 karma

Yeah, I'd love to see this happen! Model T to self driving car!

Tamespotting64 karma

And he had to be carried down, apparently due to some problem with his ankles or some shit. But why do we always have to hear about him "climbing" mount Everest. Sounds fraudulent to me.

Tamespotting9 karma

Yeah I think a lot more people knew what was going on. There is a lot of amnesia in the older German population who lived during this time.

Tamespotting3 karma

I agree, the Op should shoot for UC Berkeley. No way they won't let her in with that story, deservedly so, and not to take anything away from her without having overcome those odds, as she seems very intelligent

Tamespotting2 karma

Have you thought of moving over to modular synths? Or modular synth type of guitar pedals?