Highest Rated Comments

Talman131 karma

Redditor Approved Narrative: All Starbucks Coffee is overpriced, overroasted, burned shit. Anyone found drinking starbucks shall be banned from /r/coffee.

Your statement does not fit the narrative.

Talman109 karma

Yeah, she's already posted her picture, someone has already forwarded this thread to corporate. She even used her name. I expect OP's new AMA will be "I was fired from Amazon for representing the company without authorization on a social media platform. AMAA!"

Talman86 karma

You lucky son of a bitch. Invest in dubstep and low frequency monitors.

Talman18 karma

Redditors aren't the problem. Right now, editors are reading your AMA and wondering if they can spin it against you for tomorrow's tech news and political blogs. Evil hacker!

Talman18 karma

So, having failed to get an attorney because your circumstances won't actually win in court, you decided to go before the court of public opinion that is Reddit, for what?

Are you hoping that someone will pick the AMA up and do a story on you? What's your end goal here with your AMA? The ACLU won't touch your case.

You realize, by doing this, that you've already started the Reddit Internet Detective System, and the user base is looking over everything you have published and everything that is in the system about you for the sole purpose of fucking you over as you tried to screw them, once it gets into their heads you're trying to use them?