Highest Rated Comments

TakoBell2239 karma

Hi, your work is extremely interesting to me!

Two questions: What regulatory/legal mechanisms should be evolved to combat the infringement of privacy on health apps in the short- and long-term? In your experience, are laws lagging far behind when it comes to the advancement of technology?

Secondly, what would your foremost advice be for users to keep a check on their privacy rights? What should one do to make sure that they protect their privacy as far as possible on apps like these?

TakoBell2235 karma

How do you deal with burnout if you work in a high pressure environment that doesn’t have a “typical” work day? For instance, some days are extremely hectic while some might not be, which leads to a lot of difficulty in establishing any routines for engaging with your hobbies. What mechanisms would you suggest for someone in such a situation for avoiding burnout?

TakoBell2230 karma

Hi! Since government censorship is one of your main concerns, are there any specific problem areas you’ve recognised in India? If yes, what can an average citizen do to counteract these problems (in India or otherwise)?

I’ve been using Proton for a while here, and I’m deeply interested in digital authoritarianism and how it might be on the rise in India. Thanks!

TakoBell222 karma

Thank you!

TakoBell221 karma

Hi, thanks for doing this! I have a couple of questions. :)

  1. What prompted you to study these topics in particular, and how do the conclusions you draw assist in combatting climate change in the present day?

  2. Would you say your research has made you more pessimistic or optimistic about the ways in which governments/international organisations tackle climate change? Are we doing enough, and if not, what is our biggest drawback in this endeavour?