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The Boston Globe has a reputation for liberal bias. Displayed in the series showing authors sought to confirm the white and wealthy get better outcomes in courts. When the data showed that untrue, especially in low-income, immigrant Chelsea, they seemed to stop looking any further, lest they find more information challenging their prejudices.
Who is more appropriate to comment on the secret courts and silent dismissal of misdemeanor and criminal charges than the state's Attorney General? Did she not respond to the Spotlight Team?
Or, are you just on to the next story - Aaron Hernandez? I wonder what else there is to write about him or who wants to read it. If they have interviews with fellow inmates, ex-boyfriends, and gang associates, then maybe I would read.
Can you study OUI arrests and outcomes (again)? What cities/towns make the most arrests? What are the outcomes? What makes the numbers different between communities?
Thanks for your reply and additional information. That unique "personal rule" surely makes the difference. Would be great to hear what the Suffolk DA and state AG think of this rule.
The Chelsea DC clerk seems to defeat the prime goal of Sanctuary communities where victims can be protected. Instead, attackers are let go to continue victimizing, both by Magistrates and courts which don't honor ICE detainers. There must be many undocumented alien victims afraid to go to court. In Worcester County I recall at least two instances of women abused by undocumented immigrants who were eventually murdered by them.
Did you get any answers on why Chelsea District Court drops the most charges in all Massachusetts?
Was it a shortage of public defenders? Shortage of Spanish speaking public defenders? Shortage of interpreters? Not wanting to give undocumented aliens criminal records which put them at risk for deportation?
What has A.G. Maura Healey had to say about the secret courts and what is she doing to reduce their disposal numbers and increase transparency?
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