Highest Rated Comments

THANAT0PS1S47 karma

Come on man, that's just cheesy.

THANAT0PS1S12 karma

Gooble gobble.

THANAT0PS1S5 karma

Hey Jason,

So this question might not go over well, but I'm really curious about it, so here goes: why the decision to produce The Blackest Beautiful in the way that it is produced. I felt it sort of hindered the aggression and rawness that you guys have going for you to be produced in what is seemingly a pop sort of sound (obviously my opinion doesn't really matter, though). I thought the production on Fake History was fantastic, and you certainly don't need the obvious pitch correction you had on your voice in TBB. So, what gives?

You guys are fantastic, and the songwriting on both albums was consistently awesome, the production just rubbed me the wrong way and felt counter-productive to your sound. Anyway, love you guys, love your work, keep being inspirational and one of the best frontmen in the business! Your passion and intelligence amaze me.


THANAT0PS1S3 karma

I totally agree with your ideology; I guess I just didn't hear that in TBB. I don't want to give you the wrong impression, because I really appreciate and am enamored with your sound and your songwriting; I guess something about the production just didn't click with me. I really like the sound of analog "retro" production as well as newer, more "pristine" stuff so I really can't put my finger on what it is that made it sound a little off to me. Nevertheless, it is still a great record.

Thank you for being so open to other opinions and criticism, and thank you for responding in an articulate way (and for taking the time to respond at all).

Come back to Wisconsin, too.