Highest Rated Comments

TBoneTheOriginal3001 karma

Can I make a suggestion for a white card?

"The Cum Box".

Edit: Also "Jolly Rancher gonorrhea nodules"

TBoneTheOriginal2241 karma

I'm sorry, but isn't that EXACTLY what you want?

TBoneTheOriginal1850 karma

That makes me super happy. He always seemed like such a genuinely nice dude.

TBoneTheOriginal1244 karma

Looks exactly like it did the day I got it.

Have a look!

That said, you just inadvertently tricked me into opening that box and breathing in crusty shit dust. So thanks for that.

TBoneTheOriginal1243 karma

If I can explain "bukkake" to my sheltered wife and mother, I can explain the cum box. That's part of the fun!

Edit: my sheltered wife and my mother are two different people, you sick bastards. Do you guys ever read other comments before making the same joke over and over?