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SyckGamer8 karma

When doing long/high shots off buildings and structures, what is your procedure? You obviously only show the one ball in your video, but do you bring a rack of them up?

SyckGamer2 karma

Lmao poor Cobes

SyckGamer2 karma

Oh a second one 😂 which shot took the longest to make? I feel like it's ones where two of you are doing it simultaneously

SyckGamer2 karma

On really hard shots it seems like it's usually Ty making them. Do you guys take turns at all? I can only imagine how frustrated one can get missing so many in a row!

SyckGamer1 karma

Ahahaha okay I love it! I wasn't sure just from my sports days it totally made sense to put in a reliever... So is it sorta like the RC episode? You call out what you want to do?