Highest Rated Comments

Sxilla63 karma

Wow that comment has so much insight and gave me a lot of perspective. Thanks for sharing your outlook.

Sxilla25 karma

Since some of the financial supporters and BoD are celebrities, does HSUS have the funding to make the changes to provide these chimpanzees enriching lives and habitats, and they just choose not to do so?

Sxilla16 karma

I agree, I can’t imagine how that affects them mentally. They are so alike to humans that it hurts to think about them as if they were in a prison. Like... they do not deserve that kind of prison. It’s sad to know that they are sentient and probably wonder why they are there.

Sxilla8 karma

How can the public best support you and others in the music and performing arts industry that you know, whose livelihood are affected by the pandemic at this time?

Sxilla6 karma

Thanks for the thoughtful response! I often used to overlook the electronic ways to help but now see how important it is to be there for our artists virtually. I really can’t imagine life without music and the arts once things regain normalcy. But this might be the new normal for a while. I will do my part in looking out and spreading word for the musicians and entertainers that just need a boost!