Highest Rated Comments

SweetPeaMigee11 karma

Can a woman truly know when she has actually ovulated by using a basal thermometer or ovulation predictor kits? Also, do you think the Shettles method for gender selection has any merit? Thanks.

SweetPeaMigee3 karma

Hi there. It seems we have a lot in common. I did a year of internal medicine and realized I was very unhappy with it. Now, I in the match for a psychiatry residency. In what ways do you feel psychiatry was a better fit for you than internal medicine? How does the day to day of residency differ between the 2 specialties?

SweetPeaMigee2 karma

I'm so sorry you are going through is, but thank you for sharing your experience with us.

Were the doctors able to determine what likely caused your cancer?

SweetPeaMigee2 karma

Thanks so much!