Highest Rated Comments

Sweaty-Data-40850 karma

How was your experience on the show? Did you & the other cast members have a good relationship? I used to watch Teletubbies growing up & remember having a Po doll.

Sweaty-Data-408 karma

Hello! Thanks for doing this AMA. I have a question. What makes hard water “hard”? Also, do water softeners add any chemicals to the water? Just really curious about this.

Sweaty-Data-404 karma

Thank you for doing this AMA! Best wishes for you man. Kind of a personal question (sorry!) - have you ever been in love? You don’t have to answer if you wish.

Sweaty-Data-403 karma

Jamie Olive Oil

Sweaty-Data-402 karma

Could you please elaborate about companies owning “water rights” in an area? Thoughts on Nestlé’s practices in impoverished regions?