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Suyeda4227 karma

What are your parents like, I've always been curious about raising was there something in the way you were brought up that you think could be responsible for the way you think? I don't think humans are born better or smarter than others but have different upbringings.

Suyeda4222 karma

A lot of serial killers have had abusive parents or are raised by single parents that blame the child at an early age for things (spouse leaving, job stress, etc). Most of what we become or are comes down to how we were brought up, racism isn't a normal thing it's a learned thing. As a kid I didn't care of a kid was white, black, latino, asian I would play with anyone at the playground as long as they wanted to too.

To think someone is born a pedophile, a rapist, a killer, dumber than someone else doesn't really make sense to me. How could you correlate that to non opinion, you don't know every kids upbringing. I went to school and got average grades while my peers got amazing grades. I invested into video games at an early age, whenever I played with my friends I could learn faster than them but that's because I understood common themes in games. While they understood building block fundamentals of maths and sciences better.

I do agree though that you can be born with a learning disability but I would categorize that differently. In terms of the average human, in an average home I don't think the advantage is big enough to even consider for intelligence.

Suyeda4221 karma

Ah I see my parents split when I was young too. I was the older sibling who bullied my younger sister projecting my unhappiness of the divorce.

I appreciate your honesty in terms of feeling abandonment and why. You seem like one of the outliers in terms of someone who get's into trouble but actually tries to turn their life around for the better. Usually in society if you do something wrong everyone will abandon you / shame you so it's hard to ever transition back in. I personally think it's a bad system but I can definitely see why people think that way, it's just easier. I'm proud of what you've accomplished.

However I do plan to be a parent some day, and always am looking to find out ways I can be a better parent before that day comes. Knowing everything you know now, if you swapped places with your parents knowing how miserable their work life was and how tired they were day to day. What would you tell your son more often?

Growing up my parents would tell me they loved me and if I ever messed up something for them that I was the best thing that ever happened to them. Maybe I'm taking it for granted but it was something I always knew growing up. Whenever I hung up a phone with them I would say I love you bye and my friends would always be surprised and say wow you must be close with your parents and I guess I always have. So I'm wondering if that caused me to not have a void, by being close with my parents. I feel that loneliness is a void all humans seek to fill as it comes in different shapes and forms, friends / family / spouse / work.