Highest Rated Comments

SustainedSuspense17 karma

We need people like you to keep pushing! The 5th Element was unlike anything out there and made me think anything is possible!

SustainedSuspense7 karma

Ok so personally responsibility... aka Democracy is screwed.

What’s the top 3 things governments can do to reduce disinformation?

SustainedSuspense5 karma

I’m 41 and just got diagnosed with colon cancer 2 weeks ago after having bloody loose stool for 3 months. I’ve always had occasional blood in my stool my whole life that I’ve foolishly ignored so it’s hard to say when this all started. I’ve read the colon cancer needs hydrogen sulfide to survive which is what is produced by putrefying animal protein in the lower intestines so I’ve been vegan for a few weeks. Have you seen benefits to going vegan or vegetarian in others with this disease?

SustainedSuspense4 karma

Tumblr could of easily got rid of child pornography by empowering select users in an automated way instead of manually moderating content. While Tumblr allowed users to flag content or blogs it was a manual process for them to review. To scale moderation what they should of done was a hybrid approach where:

1) User flags illegal content

2) Tumblr reviews (content is removed or left up)

3) If the content was removed the user who flagged the content will gain weight in their future flagging. If the content was deemed not illegal the user who flagged loses weight in their future flagging.

4) If N amount of users flag some content as being illegal and these N users have significant flagging weight the content will automatically be removed and manual moderation would not be required.

5) Content authors can be provided the ability to appeal which would have the inverse effect on users flagging weights if the appeal was approved.

Manual moderation would never grow out of hand. You are reviewing the reviewers just as much as you are reviewing the content.

This is not hard stuff to code up and should be part of any social network that allows NSFW content. Educating new users on how to moderate content should also be required by any social network that allows NSFW. Bottom line is if you're not taking these active measures you are tacitly approving the abuse of children and you can fuck off if you think otherwise. You can't plead ignorance, refuse responsibility or claim free speech anymore. There were too many Tumblr communities actively trying to normalize child abuse and good for Tumblr for making this change.

I hope your platform addresses the shortcomings that Tumblr had and isn't just an opportunistic traffic grab.

SustainedSuspense2 karma

My kid licked the metal of the water fountain yesterday. Will she be ok?