Highest Rated Comments

Surtr1stRDR6 karma

Will we ever see odd numbered groups return to the queue? I'm a bit worried with 12v12 coming out, especially for smaller units. And by far the biggest player loss my unit has ever seen was due to the implementation of <4/8 ONLY. Forget ECM/poptarts/bugs any other QQ topic, the group size nerf was the biggest hit, and we've still not recovered, with many original members totally giving up on the game to play other stuff. Just a maybe will keep me happy :P Keep up the hard work.

Surtr1stRDR5 karma

Will there be an option for self created house units? My unit has spent a lot of time developing lore/identity etc. for our Non-canon house unit, it would be a shame if we just had to run with pugs to be considered house. Also we can't just pretend to be mercs as we're a rasalhague unit, and that doesn't fly in the FRR.