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Succulentmeditator576 karma

That and they’ve been around long enough to see what happened with the previous sustained mass demonstrations there; the regime in Iran always starts gunning people down, doing mass arrests and sadistic things to many they capture.

Succulentmeditator212 karma

The alternative explanation is interesting. Anecdotally I’ve heard from a number of former long term, chronic smokers that they experienced a lot more dreams and more vivid dreams upon quitting.

Succulentmeditator96 karma

THC doesn’t cause HGN (horizontal gaze nystagmus) as measured by the NHTSA SFST battery’s “eye movement test”. The eye movement part of the sobriety test battery is designed to detect acute intoxication from CNS depressants.

Succulentmeditator53 karma

Indeed, never underestimate the power of the monkey wrench.

Succulentmeditator7 karma

CO’s THC level is presumptive rather than per se, that makes a huge difference in defending cases without impairment.