Highest Rated Comments

Stryker227941 karma

On the bright side you can go gambling, since its no longer possible to lose your ass to the house

Also gives a whole new meaning you "rip you a new asshole"

Oh! And the phrase "I got some shit on my shirt"

Fellow cancer survivor with a fucked sense of gallows humor. Dont look for the bad times, focus on the good ones. If you go looking for problems then life will truly suck. Lifes a lot more enjoyable when you try and enjoy it. Sounds dumb but it works.

But if life keeps sucking then know that there's people out there who went through it just like you and want to help you, even if its just to hear how shitty your day went.

Fuck cancer, and good luck, OP

Stryker227926 karma

I wonder if you could moon people and get in trouble still. After all, you arent showing your asshole anymore

Hey, wait, doesn't that mean the stoma-thingy is your asshole now?! Dirty bastard is showing his asshole on reddit/s

Stryker227914 karma

Truth be told I impressed my doctors with how fast I came to terms. I basically read all the symptoms and risks involving chemo and said "well fuck me, it sure as shit beats dying" pretty much 3 days into treatment

I'm one year past remission this April, and I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, given "3 days from death" if I didn't get treatment. But so far a year out I have no major complications besides a fucked up liver and numb feet (like to joke I kicked cancers ass so hard it killed my feets nerve endings, but no, just neuropathy) so I can't speak to having such a drastic and lasting effect such as no more games of hide the cucumber and having a second, much more pissed off belly button that spits shit and acid on things.

Stryker22794 karma

It was easy for me to move on because I don't have as drastic aftermath as you, thats all. Youll rebound, I'm sure of it

Stryker22792 karma

How long was the training to become an atc? I'm applying to become an atc in the United States, and am curious how hard it is, did you need prior experience, etc