Highest Rated Comments

Streacher6 karma

Why do you mention that you are black? Is it that important and if so, why?

Streacher5 karma

why accent the point that you are "female"?

Are you scientists or female scientists?

Why include gender?

Streacher2 karma

Thank you for your response. Good luck with the podcast

Streacher1 karma

Heya Mr. Page,

Been a fan ever since I first heard "One Week" 10 years ago. Saw you from your silly clown performances in "Box Set" up until your departure and your solo work. One thing I always admired the most of you (and the guys back then) is the ability you possess to make me think about the words you sing. Be it a little silly wordplay, an upbeat song with a sad message and vice versa. Always different ways to interpret the lyrics, love it!

The greatest work you ever produced has to be Gordon. Believe it or not, but I have the cd in my car ever since I bought it in June 2012 and never changed it. Been waking up to Hello City driving to work ever since... Crazy just like you ;)

Been supporting your solo work by getting your solo albums for a fee online.

My question for you is the following. Are there any plans for you to tour through Europe? I am from The Netherlands and would love to see you at a folky festival somewhere here from the summer. You can stay at my house. Let me know.

  • Pete

Streacher0 karma

Do you need to be classified to be a "parent educator" or is this a feminine movement?