Highest Rated Comments

StopTheMineshaftGap265 karma

In some cases we use medically grown maggots for wound debridement....they only eat dead tissue, very handy trait actually.

StopTheMineshaftGap56 karma

What's the longest you've ever allowed BoxCar2D to run?

StopTheMineshaftGap17 karma

Dr Olson,

Glad to hear this project is getting some resurgent attention. We actually thought its ligand was an MMP2 receptor connected to a chloride channel, hence the name Chlorotoxin. This was postulated because initial studies on it found it modulated transcellular ion potential via changes in the chloride current.

Source: I'm an MD/PhD student at University of Alabama School of Medicine whose advisor was on the Phase I clinical trial for I-131 labeled TM-601.

Also, my first research project into investigating the de novo antiangiogenic properties of the peptide went belly-up because TMI-promised funding for histopathology supplies never materialized.

StopTheMineshaftGap9 karma

Is there level 1 evidence that keeping the nipple allots equivalent local control? How do you manage the women who opt for direct to implant but also need post mastectomy radiation?

StopTheMineshaftGap9 karma

SEC report stated that price action was more likely due to retail buying pressure than a game squeeze.