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SteveWHawkins14 karma

I worked on dozens of cases throughout the Deep South. Hard to put an exact number on those that I saved, but I remember vividly those who I could not. That is why I continue the work that I do.

SteveWHawkins13 karma

I cannot read this question without thinking of the life and legacy of Nelson Mandela. He was able to stay positive about his own life and the future of his country from behind prison walls for 27 years. I draw my inspiration from him and other lesser known heroes.

SteveWHawkins11 karma

I am most proud of my work in helping to abolish the death penalty for juveniles.

SteveWHawkins10 karma

Unfortunately, there are many, but the one I am watching right now is the Central African Republic. We currently have a team there on the ground and what they are seeing and reporting is horrific. Today the team visited a children’s hospital and spoke to small children who saw their friends killed in the very first attacks. Some of these children has been struck in the head by a machete indicating that they were deliberately targeted. Learn more http://blog.amnestyusa.org/africa/what-its-like-on-the-ground-in-the-central-african-republic/