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SteamrollerAssault1 karma

Nikolai stated earlier that you are creating a petunia that is modified with parts from petunia. Is that all? You aren't introducing any foreign DNA?

SteamrollerAssault1 karma

A few months ago, NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine mentioned that a committee would be looking into working with advertisers for branding opportunities. Along with having ads on and in space vehicles, he also spoke of allowing astronauts to endorse products to put them and NASA in the public eye. What are your thoughts on opening up space exploration to this type of advertising? Will the next Canadarm be brought to you by Loblaws?

SteamrollerAssault1 karma

Thank you for Small Town Dicks! First let me apologize for mispronouncing your first name for the past few decades. Can you share with us aspiring podcasters what kind of gear you use for your show?

SteamrollerAssault1 karma

Both you and Zibby have a real knack for asking the right questions to let a story develop from beginning to end. How much prep do the two of you do for a show in terms of research or pre-interviews? How much and what typically gets edited out for the sake of pace?