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Stars9andStripes14 karma

From sales to assistant manager, to the desk, to GSM? You skipped F&I? I'm an F&I guy who went from internet sales to F&I, then to the desk, then back to F&I because I didn't like the paycut at the desk but I've never heard someone skipping finance altogether in the climb up. Also, what is "assistant manager" at your store?

Stars9andStripes2 karma

F&I guy here-- For most conventional banks you can hold 2.5pts on loans up to 48 sometime 60 months then two points 60 - 72mo and one point at 84 mo. However, you can always go to a credit union where the rate is buy/sell and instead we just get paid a flat of the amount financed normally 1 - 2.5%. You have to remember, this is no different than any other lending scenario like mortgages or anything else. Not saying it's awesome but it's also very standard.