Highest Rated Comments

Square-Blueberry35682 karma

To be fair to Kelly, with the correct settings enabled, word has those same features, during covid I managed a government agency's office 365/teams implementation which was fun considering I hadn't used Microsoft products in like 10 years or so, yet in most cases I was the most knowledgeable one at hand.

To be less fair to Kelly, endnote breaks for, like, no reason all the time, and as long as you convert it correctly docs and word are pretty compatible. Sheets vs excel on the other hand for some reason creates nightmares

Square-Blueberry35681 karma

I am wierdly invested in this, who was pro what and why

Square-Blueberry35681 karma

Biggest wife is best wife

Square-Blueberry35681 karma

Who did it antagonise?

Square-Blueberry35681 karma

Looks like its from open boarders