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Spysnakez3 karma

You talked about EMS calls being genuine or not - can I ask a specific question about that? How do you feel about people calling about strange heart attack -like symptoms and finding out that the patient had a panic attack?

Or did this mean that you really get so many of those real bs calls such as someone needing help with getting a burger from a closed McDonald's? (more like a police thing, but you get the point)

Spysnakez1 karma

Hi! Have you ever thought or experienced with the idea that there would be a limit on your ability to react based on how human-like something is?

I'm sorry, English isn't my first language so this is kind of awkward to dress into words. But do you know the effect called uncanny valley? Something like that. What I wonder is does your body react similarly to something done on a robot for example, if it looks alive and human enough? If it happens, is there a line where the reaction stops if the robot is changed to look less human?