Highest Rated Comments

SpigotBlister706 karma

....so that's a 'no' to the internship?

SpigotBlister522 karma

Hi, Bill! We loved you in New York. Two questions.

1: In your book, "Undeniable", you expressed a great suspicion of GMOs, particularly in agriculture. To quote the chapter: "If you're asking me, we should stop introducing genes from one species into another, while at the same time taking full advantage of our ability to understand the genome of any organism..."

In an interview you just gave to the Huffington Post after a visit with Monsanto, you claimed this - "My take on it now is genetically modified food is actually, in general, -- genetically modified plants, in general, -- are not only not harmful, they're actually a great benefit. However, you can't just go planting enormous monocultures and killing everything and expect the ecosystems to take it"

I'm glad that you're taking an open-mind approach to this, but could you explain what exactly brought on the change in opinion? I've heard that you plan on revising your book, is that true?

2: What are the odds of me taking an internship at The Planetary Society this summer? I'd love to see my brick in the lobby. :)

SpigotBlister15 karma

Hi, Adam! I'm a huge fan of Tested. You'd mentioned once or twice on your podcast that you practiced meditation. Could you tell us a little about your technique and how you got into meditating?