Highest Rated Comments

Spelunkie16 karma

How big a threat are microplastics since everyone basically has them in our blood now? Is it "leaded gas literally dumbed down generations" bad? And can more biodegradable packaging (like those cool algae bioplastics) keep up to replace plastics?

Spelunkie11 karma

This is big news to me. By the way they're marketed, most people would believe that all bioplastics are non-toxic and are better for the health and environment overall. It's suprising how they can just create and market without more thorough testing especially since they're made for food.

Spelunkie7 karma

While I admit that I can't really understand the more intricate parts of your work, I understand how important food packaging is to personal health and the environment.

I'm thankful to you guys for taking the time to explain some of it to me. I'm sure we all hope your work helps convince those in government to ban some of the more egregiously bad chemicals wrapping our food worldwide. Keep up the good work!