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Specific_Ingenuity843 karma

I hope op answers and gives you more info but I know a little.

Theres been a bunch of research into diet and the microbiome and in general there are plenty of non-medicinal things you can do.

Researchers talk about a "western diet" that is fairly common in western culture. This is high in things like animal proteins (red meat in particular) and fats and processed foods. Almost always this diet is bad for your microbiome especially if you have Crohns.

On the other hand there is the 'mediterranean diet' that is higher in vegetables, lower in red meat and higher in nuts and such. This diet is pretty microbiome friendly and can reduce symptoms.

If the med diet doesnt work out there is something called a low FODMAP diet that is pretty commonly recommended to IBD patients. It takes a lot of work and is a harder diet to stick to than the med but research supports it pretty well. I'll let you google the specifics.

As for peaches they are almost definitely a good thing to eat. They have fiber and vitamins and are a whole food. Maybe you run into problems if you exclusively eat them or eat too many from a can, but peaches are good for you

Specific_Ingenuity842 karma

Not op but as far as I know yes.

Your microbiomes wouldnt be completely identical just because people are different and despite living together you likely dont eat totally the same things.

But yea you'd expect your microbiomes to become more similar when you live together. People with pets even have different microbiomes than people without them because living together you end up sharing some gut bugs

Specific_Ingenuity842 karma

Most beer is pasteurized :( so the bacteria are killed off first

Specific_Ingenuity842 karma

sounds pretty sci-fi to me. Maybe a good bit into the future people will be designing bacteria to add to the microbiome

what seems more plausible to me in the shorter term is taking personalized probiotics of already existing gut bacteria that one is lacking or missing.

I wonder what op thinks

Specific_Ingenuity842 karma

How long does it take to improve gut health after changing my eating habits? All of a sudden I've gotten some gut issues and feel like i need to make a change now.