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Spagster238 karma

I saw a few outside of Xian a few years back and it was absolutely haunting. Aside from the sheer amount of pollution, the ghost cities were the thing that freaked me out the most.

Spagster64 karma


*Edit : I'm just as confused as the rest of you.

Spagster63 karma

I'd love to see how many of those are considered lethal! It would be fascinating to see what kind of increases in hospital visits happened after the movies were released.

Spagster43 karma

This might be a little bit awkward so I apologize in advance. I know you live in an incredibly conservative culture, and it's quite obvious about what the outward and public perception/laws are against it, but in private is there a lot of 'illicit' sexual activity going on? For instance, in a lot of parts of the world, if a woman wants to have sex with a man that she just met she's able to do that (whether one agrees with those morals or not). Are there a lot of private 'connections' happening outside of marriage? I have to imagine that the male oppressors in your culture only follow rules regarding sexual contact when it's convenient for them. I've always been curious about how that works over there.

Stay safe, stay strong, and I hope you're able to get out of that place soon.

Spagster35 karma

Boogie! I have a sad confession. When I first saw your stuff on the internet, I hated you. I hated you for a lot of reasons - a lot of reasons I'm not proud of. I watched some more of your stuff and quickly discovered that you're an incredibly talented, insightful, intelligent, and genuine person. You're also pretty damn hilarious. So forgive me, oh King of the Web, for my shallow and quick judgement. I was wrong.

I have a couple of questions for you!

  • Which of your videos is your all time favorite?
  • What upcoming game are you most excited about?
  • What are you into right now? Anything in particular?
  • What's your favorite movie?
  • Bees?

Thanks Boogie! You rock!