Highest Rated Comments

SpaceSox8 karma

You mentioned that you work with colonoscopies. I read somewhere that in some non-U.S. countries, it's not standard procedure to anesthetize the patient the way is typically done in the U.S. Do you have any thoughts on that? I have my first colonoscopy upcoming, and at least theoretically, I'd rather not go the anesthesia route. I probably won't have the option to decline it, but I'm curious what your thoughts are on the pros/cons of going without. Thanks!

SpaceSox1 karma

Ugh, that one is so gross. I have long hair, and I always make sure to contain it with lots of ponytail holders so it drapes down the front of me, or tie it up tight in a bun, any time I'm in a situation where someone is sitting behind me (bus, plane, theater). Well, back when I did all those things, pre-pandemic.