Highest Rated Comments

SpaceEskimo11t251 karma

Honestly, if you're going to heckle someone you should be expecting a mother joke.

SpaceEskimo11t41 karma

What are you personally excited about that they showed off?

What do you hope they show off later?

SpaceEskimo11t10 karma

Oh my god, I didn't even think of the screens. In a way movies and TV were way more realistic to you when you couldn't see 3D.

SpaceEskimo11t6 karma

What do you think of the lemon tree porno?

SpaceEskimo11t3 karma

Sean, I absolutely love Anodyne and am looking forward to Even the Ocean. I actually reviewed it and you even commented on it which was a big deal for me. That game made me consider going into to game development. My questions are...

How did you become interested in game development, what training/education did you go through to get to where you are, what games were the biggest inspirations for you and what steps did you have to take to get you game noticed?

Sorry about the shitty question formatting. I'm on mobile.