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SovereignsUnknown31 karma

The EU upload filter is part of EU Article 13, which essentially requires every publisher to run remove copyrighted content within an hour. what this functionally means is that every social media website and similar will be forced to run youtube-style algorithms, which as anyone who's spent any time on youtube knows, are woefully bad and target lots of "innocent" content.

most of the concern lies around the EU using Art13 to censor people who's opinions they don't like, especially pro-nationalist groups like Viktor Orban's supporters or the UKIP/Nigel Farage types. the massive cost of implementing such filters could potentially force social media companies or search engines to withdraw service from the EU as well, especially when combined with the article 11 "link tax."

if you're european this is definitely something to look into

SovereignsUnknown27 karma

does it ever upset you that a lot of your views are deemed "eccentric" by the general public? i've noticed many of the things you say might be upsetting to some people, but are generally rooted in common sense; is common sense really so uncommon?

SovereignsUnknown2 karma

I'd like to add that many people with ASD (myself included) have extremely strong emotions. i find myself going from 0 to 100 very, very easily. I've also noticed that unless an emotion is intense, i'll barely pick up on it.

actually writing this out i think it may imply other mental disorders. fuck.