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SoulsticeCleaner61 karma

I worked at a large upscale gym that required us to go through hospitality training. The company that gave us that training also trains CFA employees. We also got educated on saying it and NEVER saying "No problem". The idea was that saying "No problem" was another way of saying, "I'm doing this only because it doesn't create inconvenience for me". "My pleasure" sells the idea that you're actually happy to give good customer service; that they're doing a favor to you by allowing you to perform the job well.

SoulsticeCleaner4 karma

VillaSport--at the time there were only two, one in TX and the other in CO. But not to say that Equinox didn't wind up using them, I mean...if I'm in any sort of service industry, I'm hiring the people that can make people working in fast food the happiest people I encounter during a day!