Highest Rated Comments

SomeRandomMax153 karma

and daddy is a congressman.

SomeRandomMax113 karma

Better yet:

Unplanned Kids: The ultimate ransomeware. Protect yourself.

SomeRandomMax94 karma

We also had the draft...

I am too young to have been there, but I think this more than any of the other things was the real driver. Knowing you or your friends or family members might be sent off to fight and possibly die in a war you don't agree with and against your will is a pretty big driver to fight the war.

Everything else you mentioned certainly helps keep people in line, but I suspect if they ever brought back the draft people would get really politically active really fast in spite of all those other distractions.

SomeRandomMax76 karma

I think he was referring to the odd practice of coming together to celebrate something you all don't do, a la /r/nongolfers

This would be perfectly reasonable if the topic was something silly like golf.

I think we can both agree that Religion is slightly more pervasive in or lives and cultures than golf, right? And I think you can probably agree that even if you, yourself, are not religious, everyone in the culture is directly or indirectly effected by religion or it's mutant offshoots such as radical fundamentalism.

People do not try to dictate who can marry whom based on their golf scores, people don't try to force their views on what can be taught in schools based on what brand of golf clubs you use, and people certainly do not fly planes into buildings because you have a different preferred golf course than they do.

So yes, we meet to discuss religion, but we do so because it effects us. It is an "odd" (and incredibly stupid) claim to act like it doesn't.

SomeRandomMax63 karma

To be fair, I would not call it 'faux-brave "fuck the army's rules"', she did explicitly say the rules don't apply to her. Her phrasing was more in reference to the other AMA respondent who apparently did not feel as free to answer.