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Sofapilot12 karma

As a fun question to provoke debate - given the different government responses around the world, can we infer that democracy is not the best political system to deal with such situations?

Sofapilot5 karma

Always know where you towel is, frood..

Sofapilot3 karma

Fun question.. how do you think popular culture, such as the "Walking Dead" series, has influenced the public's response (loads of angles to take here) to the pandemic?

Sofapilot2 karma

We're (I think) on this AMA discussing the current situation, and hypothetical outcomes.

Many hypothetical outcomes, but not all, could include the breakdown of the ability of law enforcement.

In any case, under current law, if someone waves a sawn-off shotgun in my face, what limits would there be on my defence of "reasonable force".. obviously, there have been case precedences over the years that show this is unclear.

Sofapilot2 karma

If you're a divorce lawyer, you should be fine in the short-to-medium term, as couples in isolation get increasingly tetchy. After that, warring couples can simply shoot each other and avoid the expense of a lawyer.