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Snowmakesmehappy7 karma

Occupational Therapist here. I work at a rehab hospital that specializes in treating people with post concussive syndrome. Can I ask what kind of treatment you have received other than medications? We focus on a total rehab approach with a team of therapists; OT, PT, speech, and psych; to help treat symptoms. Although obviously every person's recovery is different, there are a number of treatments that seem to help the most amount of people: 1. seeing a PT that knows manual treatment, specifically cranial-sacral massage. This helps with the headaches. Vestibular therapy helps with the dizziness. 2. Speech therapy will help with the cognitive aspects and can help provide techniques to help with the concussive 'fog' and memory difficulties. 3. Psychology. I can't stress enough how important it is to find a proper psychologist that is familiar with head injuries. 80% of our patients who have long term symptoms have some kind of depression or anxiety as well. If this isn't treated, it will prevent you from being able to move past the symptoms. 4. Neural optometrist or an OT that focuses in vision therapy. A lot of times some prism lenses can rid the majority of symptoms.

I would love to help, if you have any questions feel free to PM me.