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Sneezyowl35 karma

When I was younger I discovered how to reach lucid dreaming by focusing on the color patterns on the back of my eyelids while clearing my mind of thoughts. After some practice I could identify the moment when my body went from awake to asleep by the way my eyes felt. Is this a methodology that is currently used?

Sneezyowl10 karma

I haven’t tried it in years. I actually preferred to let my subconscious surprise me. The whole thing felt like cheating.

Sneezyowl4 karma

It did.

Sneezyowl3 karma

Why didn’t the film have any science in it? I was insanely disappointed that you didn’t go into things like isotopes that only decay when being observed.

The movie seemed to mostly be gamers talking slowly about fantasies they had as children. Then out of the blue there was the murder story which snuck up out of nowhere. I was watching this thing with my kids and suddenly Mr. Matrix commits murder on his family, could have used a warning there. What I did find interesting is that when some of your subjects rejected religion they seemed to replaced it with their own version. As if humans are somehow hardwired to create our own gods. It was as if you weren’t really talking about simulation theory at all, it had more to do with how we rationalize BS into foundations for our daily lives. I totally understand the moment when you deconstruct your religious programming, but I think the trick is to not replace it with something else or you just get stuck in a new matrix mindset. Some CT scans of the brain would have been nice to see if there is similar data across all religious mind sets. For example do people get the same brain stimulation from believing simulation theory as they do Jesus? Bit again, I really was looking for more science.