Highest Rated Comments

Smuldering80 karma

Yup! My mom has really severe Crohn’s since she was a teen. She’s had a stoma since she was like mid 20s (she’s late 50s now). She gets dehydrated SO easy. She drinks so much water and Gatorade, but the past few years everything is sort of out of whack and she cramps up a lot and nothing helps much. :/

Really sorry you are going though this! Cancer sucks!

Smuldering24 karma

Flying for me is generally absolutely awful during takeoff and landing, both before and after wisdom tooth removal. Have been to the point of tears from the pressure. Also cannot dive deep (5+ feet) in a pool without lots of pain.

So yeah, can confirm this, it sucks, etc.

Smuldering1 karma

Love the Stephen King one and would love to see that on some stickers or something, like the society6 stuff you’ve got. May be purchasing some small stuff like that for my husband and his brother.

Do you have a mailing list for when you add more things to purchase, either directly on the site or on society6? I’d be totally interested in being added to it.