Highest Rated Comments

SmilingAnus1502 karma

Have you ever had word come down to report with a bias or to omit facts in order to push an agenda? Had an article edited or denied due to the information not swaying a certain way? Or have you heard of other who have?

SmilingAnus592 karma

Thank you for the response! Following up on the question, who do you feel is the most reputable agency/journalist to consistently publish current events?

What reasons do companies report to the masses or hire biased journalist? Is it strictly a business decision to drive traffic or is it politically motivated?

SmilingAnus70 karma

Til satanist are flakey as hell.

SmilingAnus49 karma

What is your stance on Florida gun laws, 2nd amendment rights, and the stand your ground law?

SmilingAnus43 karma

I am a concealed weapons holder. It took me 7 months of federal background investigations to get my permit. Even with a 7 month investigation, I still have to have to wait 2 hours at Walmart, with multiple forms of identification, for them to contact some government agency for a background check, if I want to buy a rifle from them. If I buy a gun at a gun show, I have to wait on that dealer to run a background check on me. Then I have to wait on that dealer to mail the weapon to a local dealer who still doesn't give me my weapon until they do a background check on me.

What regulations can you impose that will actually affect the criminal, and not make law abiding citizens suffer losing their rights or making their rights harder to practice?

I also enjoy the peace of mind of stand your ground laws that protect me if I (God forbid) am forced to actually use the weapon I carry. I believe the stand your ground laws you dismiss as lax are simply misunderstood, or misused, by people claiming them as legal defense yet still being convicted at a fairly large rate. It's a weak defense for criminals who use a gun in an unnecessary manner. The media simply cites stand your ground as a problem. It'd be the same as media blaming mental health on someone who uses insanity as a plea.

The bottom line is, what you're proposing, only hurts me and my rights as a law abiding citizen. Meanwhile, criminals will continue to ignore whatever gun laws you impose to commit crime. Can you deny this?

I don't care if you're left, right, or center. What I care about is politicians who say and do the same things and it's not working. The left wants to punish the law abiding citizens for the actions of criminals. Meanwhile, they are pushing for criminals to be able to vote, ironically. The right wants to arm all law abiding citizens. Neither is the correct answer. I want gun rights and I want less criminal shootings. I don't have the answers, that's your job. What you're saying is the same, regurgitated lines I've been hearing for years. Its more of the same. What makes you different?