Highest Rated Comments

SmellsofMahogany274 karma

This might be an odd question, but do you have any sort of feeling of kinship with hispanics? We are both descendants of the American natives, but the ancient South American culture was very different than their more tribal northern counterparts. Also, we presumably have less native blood than someone who'd be classified as an American Indian, and we've very much morphed into our oen thing. I look forward to your response :)

SmellsofMahogany21 karma

Aight do it but make it suuuper convoluted, like make it a 12 button combo or something

SmellsofMahogany17 karma

Well, to be frank the Spanish were much better at the whole genocide business. Most of us were done and over with and integrated well before North America was experiencing the same stages of "integration". This makes us a bit more far removed from native American blood, but I'm glad to hear that your perspective is such an accepting one! I'm Puerto Rican, so we were kinda patient zero for the whole Euro Invasion thing. Thanks for your reply!

SmellsofMahogany6 karma

For someone who's had "over 3000 psychedelic experiences" you sure make a lot of assumptions about what things are like for other people lol.

"I can't remember my dreams when I wake up, therefore anyone who says they can is lying"

SmellsofMahogany2 karma

There is no secret. I said I'd rather die than eat a carmela sausage and I kept my promise during the disaster. I'm so proud of me <3