Highest Rated Comments

Smeg-Head76 karma

Hello there fellow human being.

My name is Kryten 2X4B - 523P. I mean I am a human being with the Reddit account /u/Smeg-Head. My name is not Kryten 2X4B - 523P, that is a silly robot name. Probably, I wouldn't know, being a human. Say, I sure love my Nissan too, I take my human family on long road trips to (popular travel destination). I enjoy having skin, much like you.

Kryten 2X4B - 523P.

Smeg-Head26 karma

Bird law?

Smeg-Head13 karma

What have you voiced before? Anything famous? Have you ever been recognised in public from your voice?

Smeg-Head11 karma

Fuck you and don't fuck Reddit with your fake AmA's you slimy corporate DICK HEAD

I am apparently required to have a question, so

How much do you want to go and fuck yourself right now?

Smeg-Head7 karma

What are your thoughts on the death penalty? Did you ever believe it was the right thing to do, and has your opinion changed now that you're in this situation?