Highest Rated Comments

Smarterthanlastweek11 karma

So it's an experiment to see if getting a bunch of free money improves the lives of the few people getting over the lives of people that don't?

Yeah, only the government would have to run that experiment.

Smarterthanlastweek9 karma

Lawyers - the new warriors!

I haven't read anything, but it seems open and shut. Is anyone likely to see jail time?

Smarterthanlastweek3 karma

Hi, and thanks for doing this AMA!

I know you don't practice in the states this happened in, but I'd like you're opinion: I know someone who has a medical marijuana card in Massachusetts. While traveling in Maine, where medical marijuana is also legal, they were stopped for a traffic violation, and the pot and their paraphernalia was found, and they were charged. I believe the charges for the pot where eventually dropped because of the card, but they were not given an expensive vaporizer back. It doesn't seem like that wouldn't happen with any other medical equipment. How should my friend have fought this?