Highest Rated Comments

SlugJunior106 karma

8 years of watching porn and I'm almost finished with my thesis

SlugJunior68 karma

Are there any clips that are too suggestive for tv? Have y'all ever been assaulted or threatened by an arrestee? What about accidentally hit by a cop, or maybe caught downwind of their pepper spray? What are the cops like, and do they change on and off camera? Finally, please tell us your favorite story, your funniest story, and your most frightening. (they might be different). Thank you for this AMA, it has a ton of potential

SlugJunior55 karma

How related are the problems with opioid overprescription and the heroin problem on the east coast? Do you think that increased border security could drive up the price of heroin and make it less of an alternative to oxycontin? What do you think is the best path to solving this problem is?

Thank you for doing this, I have been lucky enough to not have any of my friends dead from this, but I know too many people who say they have friends or old classmates who started on oxy and then switched to heroin, and then died. This problem affects so many people, it is so sad.