Highest Rated Comments

SlightlyControversal195 karma

Jesus. It’s awful that ordering an fMRI isn’t standard procedure for people in a coma if fMRIs could indicate that a person is still “in there”.

SlightlyControversal181 karma

Black Mirror writers are reading this and furiously taking notes.

SlightlyControversal6 karma

What does “externalize”mean in this context?

SlightlyControversal3 karma

they are not the problem, rather the problem is the problem

Boy, do I need to internalize this.

SlightlyControversal2 karma

Speaking of needing to eat, I’m super worried about you maxing out credit cards for this! Are you somehow going to be reimbursed for this donation thrtypur company, or is this all out of pocket for you?

I’m sorry if this has already been answered, I scrolled and didn’t see anything related, and I am seriously concerned about you, dude. I’d like dogs and cats to be well fed from all this, but only if you’re well fed, too.