Highest Rated Comments

SiverVixon-4 karma

Rich person builds company from nothing>> after he's rich buys a lobiest to change laws>>>>>> new laws make it hard for new companies to compete with his company>>>>> he gets richer>>>> he hires more lobbyist to add moreloopholes into the tax code so he pays less taxes than smaller competitors>>>> shady business practices make rich person own 40% of the wealth of the entire world>>>>> poor people suffer>>>>> he's still rich he does not care>>>> poor people have been living this whole time not making enough money to live on>>>>> rich person gets richer>>>>he doesn't care>>>>>> rich person dies with no Living will, he's assets get seized by the state>>>> he's non- liquid assets get redistributed through to stock market after lawyers get there cut>>>> everyone that was poorer than him get slightly richer than they were before>>> over time rich people give 50% of there assets to charity, cause there planes keep getting blown up

SiverVixon-8 karma

Can you do the world a favor and blow up the jets with the rich people in the them?

Not a question just a hopeful aspiration