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Sirisian5 karma

He had a single white glove. There are people that worked with him that said it was to hide the early onset of vitiligo. My dad has it only on his hands randomly. It seems to start there for a lot of people.

Sirisian5 karma

I mean, don't you think that if everyone had an extra $1400 per month, that there might be possible side effects of this?

This is more nuanced than it first appears. So where you'd see inflation is primarily in low-income areas. In wealthier areas people would be paying back UBI payments when doing taxes every year. There's a spectrum from people living on UBI to being assisted to paying it back completely. In areas with both wealthy and a few poor people the influx of money is generally not going to change anything except maybe rent, but that's hard to determine.

The easier cases to analyze are very poor areas where most people are living on or assisted by UBI. They'd be buying more locally produced goods and services which would in turn increase demand rapidly. This is a situation where one might expect to see inflation. In the big picture money is transferring from cities into small towns. Some have thought that over time this would pull people out of cities and might help to move businesses away from city centers. Along with this is complex social changes. Crime might go down making smaller towns safer since people feel less incentivized to steal. This might attract people to move to areas they might not normally.

Sirisian2 karma

Did you ever see this? Blender could really take over if the UI was more beginner friendly. I noticed before when researching if there were other UIs that the community is adverse to making the tool easy to find things. Is there any progress in switching to a ribbon interface and making everything more context sensitive? (Not sure if it's been said before, but making the software work without shortcuts and then showing shortcuts so people learn them as they use the program).